Outline Of Us Constitution

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  1. Brief Summary Of Us Constitution

The introduction to the constitution The outline Name: Date: period: Preamble: What are the 6 goals of the constitution? Better uniting of the states.

We're taking an up-close look at Article 1, Section 1 of the US Constitution. Quote #1 All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

Fair laws, people to get along with each other, defend ourselves, good life for everyone, Freedom for ourselves and our future generations Article 1. Legislative Branch( Congress)Make the law Section 1. ______ powers________________ What powers does Congress have?

__ make laws _ How many houses in congress? ___2____ What are these houses Called?

_ House of Representatives, Senate_ ______ Section 2. _ House of reps.________________ How long is a Representatives Term? _ 2 years_($128,000) What are the requirements to be a representative? 25 years old 2. Citizen for 7 years 3. Must live in state How is the Number of a states representatives determined?

Brief Summary Of Us Constitution

______ Population____________ When and how are the people to be counted? ____ 10 years count called a Census____ What is the Minimum Number of Representatives a state can have? __1____ (How did the original constitution consider Slaves?) 3/5ths compromise. (every 5 slaves=3 people in the census) (Which Amendments outlawed slavery?__13___) How is a Vacant seat Filled? The governor appoints someone to fill the seat until the next election _ Who leads the House?

_ speaker of the house_($246,000)_ Who has the power to impeach someone? _ House_ How many Representatives are their currently? __ 435_ Section 3. ___ Senate____________ How long is a senators Term? ___ 6 years____ What are the requirements to be a Senator? __30 years old, citizen for 9 years, Live in the state you represent How many Senators does each state get? ___ 2 per state (Dick Durbin, Mark Kirk) 100 total How many senators are elected each year?

_ 33/33/34_ How are senators elected? _ direct election________ Who is the president of the Senate?

_ Vice president of the USA. The VP can ONLY vote in the event of a tie.

Who is the President pro Tempore and what does this person do? __ Temporary leader of the senate ___ Elected from the Majority Who has the power to try an impeachment case?

_ Senate_ The senators act as the _ Jury__ and the person must be found guilty by a _ 2/3___ Majority The Senate can punish by __ Remove from office__ or _Censure ( Not allow to hold any more public office)_ Section 4. __Elections and meetings of congress __ Who decides when and where people vote? _ Each state__ The minimum number of days congress must meet?

Outline Of Us Constitution

__1__ What is the one day congress must meet? __ January 3_ Section 5. Prison break season 1 putlocker. __ The rules of Congress__________ In order to function Congress must have a ___ Quorum __ Of at least __ one____half its members Both houses must keep a record of what it does and publish it. This is called the ____Congressional record___ Once congress is in session it must not stop meeting for More than __ 3__ days, unless agreed by __both _ houses. When congress does not meet, this is called a __ Recess__ Section 6. _Pay Privilages, limits__________ Senators and Representatives are paid our of the _ Treasury When going to a meeting congressmen cannot be _ arrested Two exceptions_ Treason___,__Felony ____________ Congressmen cannot be paid by other governments, countries or businesses Section 7. ____ How congress make laws____ Revenue or tax bills begin in the house of representatives_ To become a law: 1 st __ the bill must pass both houses___________ 2 nd the President must __ Sign it._______________ If the president disagrees he can _ Veto__the Bill.

Then, 3 rd the two different houses must pass the same bill By a ___ 2/3____ Majority, and _ Override_ the veto After 10 days a bill automatically _ passes_____ After 10 days with congress in recess = _ Pocket veto_ This process is true for other acts of congress, like ____ declaring War. But not the end of the year.